Julia Kerley (Los Angeles, 1999) is an artist making primarily ceramic objects and installations.
Through a process based practice she explores themes including symbol-making, personal memory,
objecthood, and ritual. Often constructing heavily textured, modular ceramic vessels based on
historic references, the resulting objects represent experiments in invention of self and the
complexity of identity. Through this queering between self and object, Julia re-creates these
ritual objects in service of a re-imagined history rich in multiplicity.
Each work contains an element of performance wherein the viewer becomes key in the activation
and meaning of the work. This interaction between artwork and audience extends the metaphor
beyond self and situates these glitched historic vessels into the present time and within others.
She has been featured in shows at the Worth Ryder Gallery at UC Berkeley, 120710 Gallery, and the Berkeley Art
Museum and Film Archives student show. She graduated UC Berkeley’s Art Practice department in 2023.
If you want to see my marks, go here
If you want to contact me please email me at juliacharkerley5@gmail.com, replacing ‘char’ with ‘.’
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